Monday 29 June 2015

No. 18: S.O.E three times in a row, and my first Chinese baptism! =)

This week was crazy! It was a long one because many things had happened. We went to University of Toronto almost everyday! One time, we were there to teach our potential investigator, and we had a discussion about The Restoration at Starbucks. He doesn't accept what we said. Whenever we share something, he bashed us many times. When we told him about Joseph Smith, he asked us "How do you know it is true?" Well... we told him to be patient because we will get there. When we taught him about prayer, he doesn't want to pray. He is not prepared to listen to the gospel yet, but I hope someday he will!

We were trying to get to an appointment in U of T again, and this time with our investigator E. We didn't know that there is no subway service from Lawrence to Bloor-Yonge, so we had to take the bus and it took forever to get to Bloor-Yonge! My companion taught The Restoration and The Plan of Salvation to someone in the bus! LOL! I was talking to this Chinese girl and got to be friends with her, although she has no interest in learning more. Then we had to take the subway to St George. We felt bad for our member that waited for us (standing outside the station) for more than 40 minutes! He is too nice! I wanna cry, I felt so bad!!! Then getting out of the station, we called our investigator and he DROPPED us! He said he doesn't have the time to meet with us and no time to get involved in the church, he is very busy with his school. Ouch! I'm so sorry!!! >.<!!!! Luckily our member that waited for us for more than 40++ minutes is a cool guy, so we taught him lessons and made our trip worthwhile.. 

Then we had exchanges with Sister Training Leaders, I got to stay in Bayview with my trainee, and Sister Kuo had to go to Downtown Toronto. Sister Leung came in for the day and it was weird not to have Sister Kuo with us. It was a weird but great exchanges at the same time. Many things had happened, and I learned a lot. But during that exchanges, I learned to appreciate my companions more. I LOVE THEM! SO MUCH! I will cry if we get separated! I also learned how to be humble and patient. I realized that I have pride, because I always feel embarrassed whenever I can't speak mandarin very well. And the people that I'm talking to are mostly from China, so their Mandarin are awesome! But I learned that I need to be patient, the language will some as long as I do my best =)

There is one investigator that we taught for the first time, he is/was an atheist. He doesn't believe in God, but now he is considering it. So when we taught The Restoration, and when we got into The First Vision, he said he believe it. He knows that it is something possible. I was amazed! Super amazed! We invited him to read the BOM, and he said he will and he will ask his girlfriend if she wants to learn the missionary discussions. 

Last Sunday, I was so worried. We had no investigators at church, and I was praying so hard to see miracles happen and we can get at least 2 investigators at church. After the sacrament was passed, the doors were opened, and 2 of our investigators came in. Few minutes later, I saw another investigator at the back, sitting beside my District Leader. I was so happy and grateful because Heavenly Father answered my prayers! Not only my prayer, but my companions' payers too! I have such a strong testimony about being consecrated and obedient missionary. We realized that Heavenly Father gave us so much blessings because we did the right thing. 

Then we were able to see Lilian Yang's baptism! She is such a sweetheart! Very happy for Lilian to make the choice to follow the example of her Savior, Jesus Christ. Being in Mandarin work is interesting. They have no belief in God, but sometimes in their life they can feel the presence of God and they wonder if He does exists. For Lilian, she met missionaries from other churches when she was still in China. She said there are differences between Mormon missionaries and them. She said that the missionaries there forced her to believe in things that they taught, but we INVITE her to pray, read the BOM and go to church to know for herself. She have strong testimony that God is her loving Heavenly father, Jesus Christ is her Savior, and Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. She knows the BOM is true! I love her so much, and she is the sweetest girl ever! 

So many things to share, but I can't share them all! Plus I forgot my camera, so no pictures for this week =P 


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